Futuristic Technology and Gadgets ( Flying Cars edition)

2 min readJan 18, 2021

Futuristic Technology and Gadgets that you might soon see around you ( Flying Car Edition)

There has been a massive amount of money and investment put into tech that was promised to us by our predecessors either by Movies, novels, scientists or predictions of common people. We were promised ‘Flying Cars’ to help us commute more comfortably and avoid the congestion of daily traffic (Flying Buses),Virtual Reality (V.R.); Augmented reality(A.R.) and so much more. We actually have achieved a lot of these goals but we are still waiting for those futuristic cities where everything is automated, the food is 3D printed and the Robots serve us for our convenience.

Flying Cars or eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing)

These are the Dream cars we all want, to get away from the daily rush hour. There are a lot of companies especially drone makers working towards making this happen, Many have made a lot of progress but how far are we to seeing these aircrafts flying around us.

The whole concept seems good on paper but the fact is the tech needed to make this happen needs to be a lot more advanced than we think, one of the biggest hurdle is the Safety of passengers. This high up in the air you need many provisions to ensure that the passenger or driver will not fall to his death and cause mass panic for everyone and that makes it dangerous for people on ground as well. The United states government has made the basic safety standards very high, which is a good thing.

Now, lets take at look at the companies that have made headway in this technology.

IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE CLICK THIS LINK WHERE I GO In-depth On companies working on Fling cars





Tech / Gadget reviews ;New tech related news ;Anime reviews